Monday, July 12, 2010

Many moons ago... dark and lovely

I will always treasure this box. It was my aunt's when she was little and I adopted it when i was a wee one- i've had it for many moons and this is proof that my art takes on different themes and personalities as i age ... this box was made with passion and pain. I have endured pain's darkest hour. As i sit here and listen to Deva I have come a L-O-N-G way from healing many aspects of myself through meditation, hands on healing, prayer, energy work, putting my life into a spritual master's hands, and surrendering to the will of God. Fibromyalgia can be healed.

ps. I have a thing with women's faces. They cover my body and are often a theme in my collage art.





1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about women's faces. They are always popping up in my art.
