Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello world.

Hello world. I am happy to be officially one with the world of blogging. I tried to set up an acct with wordpress but it was way too confusing and I prefer things simple, colourful, & sweet. So here i am. I have lebanese soup packed for tomorrow's lunch and getting ready to head out the door to meditate with some friends. Thankfully I can meditate in peace knowing that the ants are not overtaking the downstairs bathroom. My brother recently shared some profound artwork of his as of late- and i wanted to share it with you lovleys. And if your wondering how my spider plant named black willow is doing. She's fine and she's desperately missing the beautiful thing in the sky called the sun.


  1. Gorgeous rose with the love banner. I tried word press, too, but like you said, way too confusing. Blogger works for me! So nice to link up with you!

  2. absolutely deb! you are a true gem ... :)
